Candi Girls are collector edition fashion dolls by Hamilton Design
Systéme. They are of the popular 11 1/2 inch size but with unusual
body features: collar bone, bendable legs (to an angle of almost 90 degree)
and - as for the new Candi Girls introduced in 1996 - with
detailed hands.
New! Candi returns! Integrity Toys, Inc. licensed the use of the molds and the Candi name. There will be Candis by Integrity in 2001, starting with the long-awaited Cover Girls. Integrity Toys also produces nice collector-quality versions of their playline dolls Alysa and Jade, designed by Jason Wu and available from some of the Candi dealers.
Due to lack of time (and interest), I haven't updated this site for quite a long time. You still find information here about Candi Girls made by Hamilton Design Systéme up to 1998. For info about later dolls, please check out the various dealers' pages. In particular, there are many pictures of Candi, Alysa, and other fashion dolls by Integrity Toys on Suzanne's page.
Candi Girls come with five different face molds: African-american,
Asian, Hispanic, Danish, and Swedish. The first mold was the
African-american one; it is marked (c) Hamilton Toys 1990. In 1996, the
Asian and Hispanic molds were added. The Danish and Swedish molds were
released in August 1997. A new face mold called "Isreali" is planned
for 2001.
Feel like chatting with other Candi fans? You're welcome to join us
at CandiChat mailing
list! Info available here on both
the regular list and the digest version. Despite the fact there were no new
Candi dolls in 1999 and 2000, the people at CandiChat are for real. You may
find us a very friendly, personal group of doll collectors.
Avid Candi collectors have noticed that there were looong delays with the 1998 and 1999 Candi line. Now, with Candi maker Hamilton Design Systeme not even answering the phone, as some collectors told me, I am a little worried that there may be no more Candis at all. Get your favorite ones while you can and enjoy them! ;-)
Please be cautious - do not order, let alone pre-order, your Candis from Hamilton Design Systeme! You will be much more happy ordering from a reliable dealer such as Doll Dreams and Cuddly Things" (Suzanne) or Candi Corner (Louise). For a longer list of Candi suppliers, have a look at my dealer page.
I have put up this site just because I like Candi Girl dolls. Have
fun viewing the pictures and reading the "sweet story of
Candi". Click on the pictures for a larger view of each.
If you have any comments or suggestions, just
email me. I'd
like to hear from you.
Do you have any Candi pictures you would like to share? Photos of
Candi Girl issues not shown here, or even pictures of your own outfit
designs? Any contributions will be greatly appreciated.
In case you feature Candi Girls at your personal web site, let me know. I
will check it out and link to your site. :-)
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Dolls by the years
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